Fair Work First Statement 

West Highland Museum is committed to ensuring there are fair working practices in place and demonstrates its commitment to the Scottish Government’s Fair Work First policy by confirmation of the following: 

Appropriate channels for effective voice, such as trade union recognition  

While West Highland Museum has no official trade union, or trade union representatives we actively promote employees to consider registering to Prospect, the most appropriate union for our sector. https://prospect.org.uk/  

None of our current employees are currently members of a union, but they are encouraged to join a union if they should so wish.  

Investment in workforce development  

We support learning and development across the organisation at individual, team and organisational level using a range of learning opportunities.  We expect line managers and employees to proactively engage in career performance and development planning conversations regularly. Regular reviews are undertaken where employees and line managers are given the opportunity to discuss personal development. 

We are keen to develop career progression initiatives and where possible try to up skill our existing workforce for their own career progression. CPD opportunities are available to staff and they are encouraged to develop their skill set. 

No inappropriate use of zero hours contracts  

We do not employ any staff under zero hours contracts, and we are committed to ensure all staff have the security of regular hours, even under temporary or fixed term contract conditions.  

Action to tackle the gender pay gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace  

West Highland Museum is fully committed to an inclusive culture that welcomes all people for who they are.  We are implementing an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion programme of change that recognises we need diverse people to work both in the organisation and in the community.   

Payment of the real Living Wage  

All staff are employed above the Real Living Wage bracket. It is very important to us that our workforce are appropriately compensated for their time, and we will continue to pay above the real living wage as our top priority. 

Offer flexible and family friendly working practices for all workers from day one of employment  

West Highland Museum supports its workforce to work flexibly at the time and in the location that best meets the needs of the organisation, the job, the employee and the team. 

We embrace flexibility where possible with remote working, home-based working, hybrid working and continually review working patterns for new and existing employees.  

Our flexible and family friendly working practice policies are available to employees in line with statutory requirements.  

In practice all requests are considered on the merits of the request and business needs, and line managers are advised they should agree to flexible working requests unless there is a business reason not to. 

We oppose the use of fire and rehire practices.