Dr Bendor Grosvenor to Host Talk at West Highland Museum

We are excited to announce that Dr Bendor Grosvenor, art historian and broadcaster, who has appeared in BBC programmes such as ‘Fake or Fortune?’ and ‘Britain’s Lost Masterpieces’ will be delivering a talk for West Highland Museum on Sunday 17th March at 2.30pm.

Bendor is know fordiscovering a number of previously lost Jacobite portraits, including Allan Ramsay’s superb life portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie, painted in Edinburgh in 1745. In this special talk, introduced by the West Highland Museum, he reveals how one goes about finding such pictures, and what they reveal about the importance of art to the Jacobite cause. Following the talk, there will be time for an audience Q&A.

One of the lost portraits that will be discussed is thought to be the lost “HIghlander Portrait” currently on display at the West Highland Museum. The portrait is on loan from Dr Grosvenor. This is the first time the painting has been on public display since its discovery and will continue to be exhibited until Spring 2024.

The talk will take place in Highland Cinema in Cameron Square.  Tickets are availalbe directly from Highland Cinema.

Proceeds raised from this event will help us raise funds for the museum’s redevelopment.