November Talks at West Highland Museum

The “Du Teillay”:  The Ship that took Prince Charles Edward Stuart to Scotland
Tuesday 15th November, 5.30pm.  In-person at the museum and live streamed on Zoom 
The “Du Teillay” commonly known as “La Doutelle” is the name of the ship that took Prince Charles Edward Stuart from Brittany to Scotland in July 1745. For the past three centuries, the ship has continued to be the source of inspiration for many painters interested in the maritime aspect of the ’45. However, what do we really know about the ship and the Jacobite supporters in France who managed to secretly take the Prince to Scotland? Following the publication of his article entitled “The Du Teillay: fifteen months as a privateer” in the journal of the 1745 Association, Thierry Guihéneuf attempts to shed some light on the facts behind the sloop “La Doutelle” and her fateful voyage to Scotland.
Join us at the museum for a 5.30pm start.  Email for a Zoom link to join the live stream
Flora MacDonald with Professor Hugh Cheape
Thursday 24th November, 6pm.  This talk will be live streamed on Zoom
The events and personalities brought together in Uist and Skye over two or three days at the end of June 1746 have been celebrated in story and song – and any good story is worth the re-telling. The 300th anniversary of the birth of Flora MacDonald in 1722 is the grand excuse, and this account revisits these events and considers the realities of emigration and a hard life in post-civil war Scotland and North America.
Join Professor Hugh Cheape for what is sure to be a fascinating talk focusing on Flora MacDonald and featuring objects from the West Highland Museum collection. 
This is ONLINE talk will be live streamed on Zoom.  £3.50
A joining link for Zoom will be sent in a confirmation email when you book on Eventbrite
Travel in Time: In W. S. Thomson’s Footsteps
Sunday 27th November, 2.30pm – 4.30pm.  In-person at Highland Cinema
Join Estelle Slegers Helsen for a visual presentation and animated talk that has resulted from her wanderings around Lochaber, taking remakes of old landscape pictures and collecting stories from local people.
Immerse yourself in the Lochaber landscapes pictured by the Fort William photographer W.S. Thomson MBE (1906-1967) and discover what changed, or not, since the 1940s and 1950s.
For a year, photographer and history researcher Estelle Slegers Helsen wandered in W.S. Thomson’s footsteps, remaking a selection of his pictures from precisely the same locations. Estelle scouted more than 100 places and produced about 60 remakes, crisscrossing Lochaber, Mallaig to Kilchaon, Lochaline to Kinlochleven and Glen Nevis to Rannoch Moor.
Estelle unravels the life of W.S. Thomson, reveals the then and now photographs on a large cinema screen, talks about her determined search for the locations, and recollects the local stories. Did the Scottish landscape change for the better or worse? What about the villages, trees and crofting in the past and now? And how do local people think about the future of their communities?
Tickets can be purchased directly from Highland Cinema