Jacobite Gallery Closures

Our Jacobite Gallery will continue to be CLOSED from Monday 25th July to Tuesday 2nd August for essential works to be undertaken to refurbish the gallery to accommodate the Return of the Stuarts exhibition.  The exhibition arrives at the museum this August from Europe and features a series of iconic 18th century portraits of the Royal House of Stuart in exile, including rare portraits of Bonnie Prince Charlie. 

The gallery will again be CLOSED in early/mid August for two to three days to fit a new lighting system (dates to be confirmed) and from Saturday 13th August to Monday 15th August while the exhibition is installed.  We plan to re-open the gallery on Tuesday 16th August and the Return of the Stuarts exhibition will open to the public on Thursday 18th August with a special launch with a lecture delivered by Professor Edward Corp and Peter Pininski at Highland Cinema adjacent to the museum.  The talk will be followed by lunch and the opportunity to tour the exhibition.  Tickets are £20 and can be purchased by emailing info@westhighlandmuseum.org.uk 

All other areas of the museum will remain OPEN to the public while work is carried out.  We apologise for any inconvenience whilst these essential works are undertaken. 

Opening times:

Monday – Friday:   10am – 4.30pm

Saturday (July):   10.30am – 1.30pm

Saturday (August): 10.30am – 4.30pm

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