As Others See Us

Receiving feedback on the Museum is always valuable. Better too when the reports are as good as those on TripAdvisor recently!

October 2011: “Some of the best mementoes of the Jacobite era that I have seen. Also original documents relating to Culloden and the Glencoe massacre.”

September 2011: “Because it was raining, we went into the museum. What a pleasant surprise!! Everything was so interesting and well laid out. We spent more than an hour going through all the rooms and reading about the history of the area. Well worth a visit.”

September 2011: “Extremely well done to this nice little museum. A nice way to spend an hour or two looking at some of the local history. Free entry is such a nice touch these days in this money grabbing world!!!!!” (But we need donations too! – Webmaster)

September 2011: “A great welcome with clear instructions of which way to go round the museum. No admission fee requested, but a request for a donation for the upkeep is well worth it. A small guide was provided. Although it is only a small museum, it has a great history to share with everyone. Very detailed information with all exhibits. Ten out of ten!!”

September 2011: “We left it far too late in the day to visit and ran out of time so don’t make the same mistake! Staff are very pleasant and the exhibits interesting and informative and all for free.”

August 2011: “I have been to Fort William on many occasions and never set foot in this venue. My mistake, as it is full of information, artefacts and heritage, all arranged in a logical order and more importantly it stimulates you to go and find out more. Don’t leave a trip to this Museum to the bottom of the list, or pencil it in as a wet weather ‘maybe’; make it a destination attraction. Well done to all.”