The “Du Teillay”: the ship that took Prince Charles Edward Stuart to Scotland with Thierry Guihéneuf, PhD

The “Du Teillay” commonly known as “La Doutelle” in most English publications is the name of the ship that took Prince Charles Edward Stuart from Brittany to Scotland in July 1745. For the past three centuries, the ship has continued to be the source of inspiration for many painters interested in the maritime aspect of the ’45. However, what do we really know about the ship and the Jacobite supporters in France who managed to secretly take the Prince to Scotland? Following the publication of his article entitled “The Du Teillay: fifteen months as a privateer” in the journal of the 1745 Association, Thierry Guihéneuf sheds light on the facts behind the sloop “La Doutelle” and her fateful voyage to Scotland.

Thierry Guihéneuf is a French national living in the United Kingdom originating from Saint-Nazaire in south Brittany, where Prince Charles Edward Stuart embarked on board the “Du Teillay” in early July 1745. He is a member of the 1745 Association, with a particular interest in maritime aspects of the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745, an event so relevant in Scottish history.

Tuesday 19th December, 6pm

Tickets are £3.50.  To book ONLINE visit Eventbrite to buy you ticket, a joining link for Zoom will be sent by email shortly before the event starts.

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