Return of the Stuarts: Looking towards the launch events ahead!

Our team are busy setting up the Return of the Stuarts exhibition this weekend ahead of the official opening of the exhibition next week.  The Jacobite gallery will be closed while work is completed, but we hope to open the gallery on Monday 15th August in the afternoon. Entry to the Jacobite Gallery and Return of the Stuarts exhibition is £3 per adult (free for one adult with the purchase of an exhibition guide) and free entry for the children under 16 accompanied by a parent.

Looking to the week ahead.  The rest of the museum will be open as usual from Monday – Saturday next week, with the following restrictions/closures for planned events.

Thursday 18th August –  Return of the Stuarts Official Launch

The Jacobite Gallery and Return of the Stuarts exhibition will be closed from 12.30 pm – 3.30pm for private tours as part of our official launch event. 

Tickets for the launch are £20, and in addition to a private half-hour tour, include a presentation by Professor Edward Corp and Peter Pininski at Highland Cinema at 11 am and a buffet lunch at the cinema’s restaurant. 

To book a ticket email, or call 01397 702169 (Monday – Friday)

Friday 19th August – Jacobite Learning Day

A fun packed day of virtual reality, crafting, re-enactment and storytelling with local school children is planned.  This event is fully booked and means the museum will be closed until the afternoon.  We will open to the general public from 2.30 pm – 5.00 pm.

The University of St Andrews are hosting a virtual reality roadshow at the museum from 2.30 pm.  Pop along to the museum and try out VR headsets to explore Fort William’s past.  The team have recreated a digital heritage experience which allows users to immerse themselves in a digitally recreated version of the fort at Fort William at as it would have been in 1746, at the time of the Siege of Fort William during the final Jacobite Rising.  This activity is FREE.