Job Opportunity – Gaelic Development Officer Highland

Gairloch Museum, West Highland Museum, Highland Museum of Childhood and Applecross Historical Society all share a common purpose to promote, encourage and inspire interest in the history, heritage, culture and character of the Highlands. Collectively, they seek the support of a Gaelic Development Officer, to explore and identify opportunities for alternative interpretation of collections, engagement with more diverse audiences and the creation of employment, volunteer and funding opportunities, by encouraging the use of Gaelic language across services and activities that align with this shared purpose.

Post:   Gaelic Development Officer – Highland Museums 
Hours: Full-time 
Term:   12 months, commencing August 2022 
Salary: £25,000 per annum with opt-in pension and a generous 
allowance for travel.
Location: Mainly home working, with some travel to Gairloch, Applecross, 
Strathpeffer & Fort William. 
Reporting to: Curator, Gairloch Museum

For more information on how to apply visit Gairloch Museum’s recruitment page.


Oifigeach Leasachaidh Gàidhlig Taighean-Tasgaidh na Gàidhealtachd

Tha na ceithir ionadan – Taigh-tasgaidh Gheàrrloch, Taigh-tasgaidh an Iar air Ghàidhealtachd, Taigh-tasgaidh chloinne na Gàidhealtachd agus Comann Eachraidheil na Comraich – air an aon ràmh a thaobh a bhith a’ taisbeanadh, a’ brosnachadh agus a’ misneachadh eachdraidh, dualchas agus caractar na Gàidhealtachd. Ag obair còmhla, tha iad a’ sireadh taic bho Oifigeach Leasachaidh Gàidhlig, a rannsachadh agus a chomharrachadh cothroman airson dòighean ùra cruinneachaidhean a lìbhrigeadh, a bhith a’ ceangal ri luchd-ùidh nas eadar-dhealaichte agus cothroman cosnaidh ùra a chruthachadh, cothroman saor-thoileach agus ionmhais, le bhith a’ brosnachadh cleachdadh na Gàidhlig tro na seirbheisean agus tachartasan a tha co-ionnan ris an adhbhar co-roinnte.

Dreuchd: Oifigeach Leasachaidh Gàidhlig – Taighean-Tasgaidh na 
Uairean: Làn-ùine 
Teirm: 12 mìos, a’ tòiseachadh Lùnastal 2022 
Tuarastal: £25,000 sa bhliadhna le iar-aonta peinnsein agus tabhartas 
fialaidh siubhail.
Stèidhichte: Obair bhon dachaigh son mhòr-chuid, le beagan siubhail gu 
Geàrrloch, dhan Chomraich, Srath Pheofhair & An Gearasdan 
Aithriseachd: Neach-tasgaidh, Taigh-tasgaidh Gheàrrloch 

For more information on how to apply visit Gairloch Museum’s recruitment page.

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