Museum and University to Host event focusing on Bonnie Prince Charlie’s Strange Plate and the Forthcoming Sale of Prints from the Plate

Following on from the success of the museum’s “Grand Tour of the West Highland Museum Top 100 Objects” event in February, the museum is jointly hosting another event with the University of St Andrews.  This second in a series of events is focusing on the museum’s West Highland 100 digital gallery, an online gallery created in partnership with the University of St Andrew’s Open Virtual Worlds team to celebrate the museum’s 100th anniversary in 2022.

Join us on Zoom to find out more about the Strange Plate, a copper printing plate commissioned by Bonnie Prince Charlie in 1746 to make paper money to finance the 1745 Jacobite Rising.  The plate was not used at the time, but printed from on three occasions in later centuries by gifted printers and artists.  The museum has printed from the Strange Plate again in 2021 and prints will be sold to raise funds for the museum this summer.  To find out more about this project and objects associated with the plate showcased in our digital gallery, register for FREE on Evenbrite.  

A short film about the project by Glasgow film maker, Jen Martin, will be premiered at the event.

Panellists include:

Johnathan Calloway, author

Ian Fitzgerald, author

Catherine Ann Cassidy, University of St Andrews

Dr. Alan Miller, University of St Andrews

Alastair Clark, Edinburgh Printmakers

Colin Fraser, Lyon & Turnbull

Chris Robinson, West Highland Museum

Ian Peter MacDonald, Chair of West Highland Museum

Vanessa Martin, Curator, West Highland Museum

To join us for The Strange Plate of Bonnie Prince Charlie event on Thursday 15 July, 1pm – 3pm, click on this link to register