Letters From The Lochside Decision On 23 August 2012
At their meeting on the 23rd August 2012 the Trustees of the West Highland Museum made a decision to keep their painting “Letters from the Lochside” by Henry Tanworth Wells in Arisaig House.This will be subject to:a) the painting being kept safe on the premises and the owners of Arisaig House maintaining secure insurance arrangements that cover damage to, or loss of, the painting with the Museum being the beneficiary ;b) a satisfactory agreement being made with the owners of Arisaig House to allow reasonable access for members of the public to view the painting; and that,c) if there is a change of ownership of the House or either a) or b) above is compromised, the Trustees will review the placement of the painting.
Letters From The Lochside Decision On 23 August 2012 Read More »